Tasting the wines of Valtellina has always been a pleasure for us, but we haven't had as much fun as this time yet. The area is obviously on the move. Many wines seemed more precise and fresher than before, and often even more complex at the same time.
The Valtellina comprises a total of about 1,000 hectares of mostly very steep, stony vineyards, enclosed by a total of 2,500 kilometres of terraced walls. At an altitude of up to 700 metres above sea level, completely independent red wines grow here from at least 90 percent Nebbiolo. As a rule, they are lighter and brighter than the Nebbiolo from the Langhe in Piedmont, but they can be just as deep and complex. Nevertheless, they are rarely revealed at first sip; especially the best Valtellina Superiore with their delicacy and elegance want to be discovered and explored.
Four designations of origin are defined in the area today:
- Rosso di Valtellina DOC. Generally the most accessible and freshly fruity wines, but not infrequently already with ambition and character. They usually come onto the market young.
- Valtellina Superiore DOCG with the subzones Grumello, Inferno, Maroggia, Sassella, and Valgella. The Superiore ideally embody the essence of Valtellina: multi-layered, complex, deep and at the same time rich in finesse.
- Sforzato di Valtellina DOCG. Heavy to powerful wines, rich in alcohol, produced from at least partially dried grapes. They can turn out excellent if they succeed in maintaining freshness and certain finesse, but at times they can also be rather rustic and ponderous.
- Alpi Retiche (formerly Terrazze Retiche di Sondrio) IGT. Appellation for all wines that do not fit into the Valtellina regulations, from red wines with a low Nebbiolo content to rosé, white wine, frizzante and spumante to noble sweet passito.
BEST OF Valtellina Valtellina Superiore DOCG
BEST OF Valtellina Rosso di Valtellina DOC
All wines up to 87 points
BEST OF Valtellina Sforzato di Valtellina DOCG