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The 2018 vintage has an excellent reputation, especially in northern Italy. Admittedly, the high rainfall in May and June made the vintners sweat a little when it came to keeping downy mildew at bay. But from the middle of the year onwards, the weather was even; ideal, stable high-pressure weather prevailed at harvest time.

The wines, however, only partially reflect these ideal conditions. The line-up is still manageable with 56 wines from 2018, but what we have been able to taste so far shows a lot of mid-range and a still relatively small but convincing top.

Many Barbaresco from our tasting lacked a bit of juiciness, energy and complexity for higher consecrations, even though the quality was very good.

For a final assessment of the vintage, we are therefore waiting for the next Barbaresco tasting next year, in the hope that we will then be able to take a look at other 2018 top wines.

In total, we have tasted 73 Barbaresco currently, of which we present the best here. Below the lists you will find links to all the wines with detailed tasting notes as well as their producers.

In Focus: Barbaresco Vintage 2018

In FocusBarbaresco Older vintages