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The days are getting shorter, the light and scents are changing – autumn is coming. And with it, the time for Pinot Noir. We have selected for you: the best and the most affordable, the rosé, the white, and the sparkling. Everything your heart desires!

The days are getting shorter, the light and scents are changing, it is slowly getting cool. Autumn comes as a harbinger of a long winter, which, thanks to climate change, is not even suitable for sledding.

But all of this also has its good sides: You no longer have to constantly go outside and join any leisure activities; you can finally tackle your film and series backlog on the various streaming services.

And: finally cook properly again! Braise, fry, steam; the mushrooms are shooting up from the ground like ... mushrooms! And the red wine tastes good again! And which red wine tastes in and after autumn like (almost) no other?


Pinot Noir, of course! It already has the mushrooms in the aroma, along with the forest floor, the forest berries, the fine ethereal spice, and sometimes even the fireplace.

That’s why we have compiled what we have tried in the past months: the absolute top wines as well as the really good ones at affordable prices and also the really cheap ones for every day. Plus, what there is in white, rosé, and sparkling.

Everything that is fun, then.

“What does the world cost?” The great and the really big things

“I want to afford that!” Excellent and affordable

“I can't afford that!” But you can afford this, and it is good too

“Yes, but there are also everyday days!” That’s why everything here is under 10 euros, which is good

“And rosé? What about rosé?” Well here, whatever you want

“And if it gets warm again?” You can also drink white Pinot

“You don’t have sparkling wine, do you?” Yes, yes, (not) many yet, but at least

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