At this point a big thank you to all the winegrowers who took so much time for our visit, opened their cellars and treasure chambers and guided us through wonderful wine landscapes! It was a great experience, the feedback from the participants was overwhelming.
We would also like to thank all the participants who were able to cope with the pressure of deadlines that arose in the meantime. The atmosphere was great, everyone was very interested and enthusiastic. Thanks also go to the winegrowers' associations of the Rheingau and Rheinhessen for their support of the trip.
For us at Wein-Plus, this means that we will probably offer another members-to-members trip next year. Information on the destination and date will follow next year.
On the first day, the Rheingau was the destination. To start, a visit to the Robert Weil winery in Kiedrich was on the agenda. Over a glass of sparkling wine on the terrace with a view of Gräfenberg and Turmberg, the participants learned a lot about Rheingau viticulture. The estate's cellar master, Christian Engel, led a tour of the stainless steel and wooden barrel cellars and gave deep insights into Riesling production. The subsequent wine tasting with Jochen Becker-Köhn was also the first highlight of the trip: the entire dry collection of the 2018 vintage was served for tasting, along with a current Spätlese and, as a highlight, a 2004 Kiedricher Gräfenberg Riesling Auslese, which caused great enthusiasm among the participants due to its freshness and complexity.
Along the Rhine, the path led to Hattenheim to the Kaufmann Winery. In addition to Riesling, Eva Raps and Urban Kaufmann also have white Burgundy varieties, Silvaner and Spätburgunder in their range. While tasting excellent cheese from the Swiss homeland of the owner of the winery, they also told the story of the two owners. From cheese to wine, from Switzerland to the Rheingau, and finding the right life partner at the same time, that sounds almost like a novel.
Angela Kühn was already waiting for us in Oestrich-Winkel. The Oestricher Lenchen borders directly on the Peter Jakob Kühn winery, and so we were allowed to taste the currently available Rieslings right up to the 2017 Grosses Gewächs from the Doosberg in the sunshine directly at the vineyard. Beyond the excellent wines, there was an intensive insight into the activities of the biodynamically working winegrowers, which also very vividly included the freshly spread compost.
In Rüdesheim we were welcomed by Theresa Breuer from the Georg Breuer winery. With her, we first went up to the Niederwald Monument. A backpack full of glasses, a magnum bottle of 2017 "Estate" Riesling and a wide view over the vineyards glowing in autumn, that was an impressive start to the visit to Rüdesheim. We then made our way through the vineyards under the cable car towards the winery. On the way, Theresa described very vividly with a lot of energy how the work in the steep vineyards is managed. The respect for the work of the winegrowers grows with every step. During the subsequent cellar tour and tasting, we were allowed to taste the results of this work in detail. The 2010 Georg Breuer brut then ushered in the transition to the enjoyable evening at Rüdesheim Castle.
The next morning, Gesine Roll from Weingut Weedenborn in Monzernheim welcomed us. With a glass of Sauvignon Blanc sparkling wine, the circulation quickly got going so that the taste buds were sharpened. In the lovingly decorated cellar, everything was prepared for the tasting of Gesine's excellent Chardonnays and Sauvignon Blancs. She immediately won over the participants with her considered, calm manner.
At all - the women on this trip. This was not consciously planned, but again and again we experienced a lot of heart and soul and very intense encounters, impressive stories and lots of warm hospitality at all the wineries we were allowed to visit.
The tour continued to Nierstein to St. Antony. Host Dirk Würtz had to excuse himself and so we had the great pleasure of Bärbel Scheibl, who first took us directly to the Roter Hang. In bright sunshine, we went uphill to the Fockenberghütte, where we tasted four Grosse Gewächse with a view over Nierstein and the Rhine. It is a special experience to taste wine in the very place where it is produced.
Back at the winery, Gabi Würtz awaited us with an excellent lunch buffet, and we tasted and drank the estate wines and the white wines from the first vineyards. This was followed by a tasting of the red wines in the wooden barrel cellar; the participants were particularly taken with the Blaufränkisch.
In Bodenheim, Carolin Spanier awaited us with wines from the Kühling-Gillot and Battenfeld-Spanier wineries. As part of the Liquid Life event with the Grapes wine bar from Munich, the Wein-Plus members were also allowed to be guests in the impressive premises of the winery. Despite the hustle and bustle, Carolin took the time as a perfect hostess to taste some of the wines from the two wineries in detail, from estate wines to grand cru. We also felt very comfortable at the subsequent dinner, the wines, food and atmosphere were great, and Oliver Spanier did not miss the opportunity to greet us.
On the last day of the trip we went back to the Rheingau. Marius Baumeister from the Balthasar Ress winery welcomed us in drizzling rain in Hattenheim. But at wineBANK, the weather is irrelevant. Deep down in the cellar, exquisite drops lie in the vaults at a constant temperature. To tell the story of the winery and the wineBANK, there was a Zero Dosage Riesling sparkling wine at an early hour, and after estate and local wines from 2018, the 2015 Große Gewächs from the Berg Rottland. The natural wine 2014 "32" Rheingauer Landwein Riesling, declared as estate wine, delighted many participants. Our visit ended in the Vinothek with the 2015 "RESSpekt".
Despite wind and rain, the view over the vines and the Rhine was impressive during the visit to Johannisberg Castle. Dieter Salomon led the participants down into the historic wooden barrel cellar and the Bibliotheca subterranea, the castle's famous treasure chamber with its precious wine rarities from several centuries. A contrast to this was a look at the technology that has been installed in the new stainless steel cellar: Tradition and modernity very close together. The wine tasting of dry and noble sweet wines of the current vintage took place between the old wooden barrels, of course including the history of the Spätlesereiter.
We spontaneously added a winery to the programme. Désirée zu Knyphausen from the August Eser winery in Oestrich-Winkel gave us a brief insight into the history of the widely ramified Eser families in the Rheingau. The fact that we were guests on the day after a big family celebration did not detract from the warm hospitality. Here, too, we were allowed to taste rarities from the treasure chamber along with wines from the current vintage.