What laws and regulations apply to wine production?
In all wine-growing countries of the world, wine production is regulated in some form by law.
In the countries of the European Union, the EU wine market regulation and the EU organic wine regulation form the essential, binding foundations for viticulture, wine production and wine marketing. The provisions of these regulations must be implemented into national law by the EU member states.
In Germany, the Wine Act and the Wine Ordinance are the central pieces of legislation for the wine sector on this basis. Furthermore, the regulations of plant protection and fertiliser law, food law, competition law, consumer protection law, commercial law and corresponding other relevant laws apply.
In addition, the guidelines of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) are valid, which, as a supranational organisation, has no legislative competence, but whose specifications are binding for the member countries.
Member wineries of winegrowers' and agricultural associations such as Verband Deutscher Prädikatsweingüter (VDP), ECOVIN, Bioland, Naturland or Demeter must adhere to their stricter regulations than the statutory provisions.