As a reprint, a true classic for wine lovers is now on the shelves of booksellers. In 1984, thus, 15 years ago, this work was published in the original French edition. The author, Emile Peynaud, was awarded several times for it.
I admit, the book has lain around unread for a long time. If you have already read many wine books, the question simply arises as to why you should now take on 223 large-format, dry pages again. After all, the main focus of the wine passion is not to read dry literature, but to enjoy wine.
That, however, is exactly what Peynaud is all about. He does not, like many other authors, guide you through x growing regions and their wines; does not list names of producers, grape varieties, cultivation methods, but practically devotes himself to only one question: How do I enjoy and taste wine?
Very detailed and extremely well-founded but at the same time practical, he describes the functioning and use of our senses and how we can taste, describe and assess a wine using these senses.
The names of the 12 chapters, which are in turn clearly divided into sections, speak for themselves:
Peynaud's experience as a taster, oenologist and his didactic skills, as well as his accuracy as a university professor, make each of these chapters a masterpiece.
After 15 years, the text still seems highly topical to me. There is hardly a passage that seems outdated to me from today's point of view. On the contrary: If all wine lovers, wine producers, wine traders and oenologists would think like Prof. Peynaud 15 years ago, we would be further today.
For me, one of the most helpful - possibly the most helpful book ever - I've ever read on the subject of wine. The initial question "Why read the Xth wine book?" has turned around for me: Why only now this book?
For the dedicated wine lover who already has some experience, there is only one possible recommendation from my point of view: "Absolutely read it!!!"